Monday, April 14, 2008

And so

"Lucy i gotta go," Babs said, picking up her purse from the floor.

"What? We just got here" Lucy protested, "what's wrong?"

Babs fumbled with her laptop, jamming it into her purse. "I - I don't feel well." The truth was that she didn't. She had experienced a sudden wave of depression thinking about her own problems with men - namely her most recent that she refused to face. This was accompanied by a sudden lurch in her gut she knew was a sign of unpleasant times to come in the bathroom.

"You want me to walk you home?" Lucy stood up with Babs, concerned.

"No - I, it's ok." Babs smiled and yawned. "Listen I just need a nap. We're still on for tonight - did you call Greta about going to that party first?"

Lucy looked a little guilty. "Noooo. But i will, i promise!"


Babs, Lucy and their friend Greta, an aspiring abortionist beginning her first year of residency in family medicine, had made plans to go for drinks that evening. Lucy had unfortunately also agreed to attend a party at some fellow academic's house. The party was way out in the Beaches and judging by Lucy's description of the party goers, was extremely likely to be lame-ass. Babs had consented to go for an hour provided that Lucy break the news that they were going to Greta. Greta lived all the way on the other side of Toronto in High Park and it would likely take her an hour just to get to the party. Greta also had a flare for the dramatic.

Lucy laughed nervously and grabbed Babs' arm. "I'll tell her I promise. Meet you on the corner at 9 ok?"

Babs of little faith shook her head. "Ok, i'm going for a nap. See you in a few hours."

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